Public Order and Safety Office

TAG/Public Order and Safety Officer

FUNCTION : General Public Service
Public Order and Safety Office (POSO) envision to provide a just and orderly community living in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, free from threats of lawless elements through effective enforcement of laws and ordinances.
The POSO exist in order to ensure the security and safety of the communities of the Municipality of General Tinio, Nueva Ecija against lawlessness and undertake measures in the promotion and maintenance of peace and order towards the attainment of a just and orderly society.
To undertake continuous public information and awareness drives against criminality and public safety services.
To promote public support and coordination to enhance the delivery of public safety services.
To assist in capability build up of different organizations, both non and/or gov't such as Barangay Police Force, Security Guards, Civil Society Organizations in order to develop Camaraderie, teamwork and skills necessary in Maintaining peace and order in the community.
To provide assistance during disaster or calamity and the restoration of essential public utilities.
Establish and maintain a system to monitor peace and order and other public safety concerns in the locality, and report the status and update thereof to the Municipal Mayor;
Formulate plans, programs and activities to maintain and enhance public safety in the municipality and recommend the same to the Municipal Mayor and if warranted to the Sangguniang Bayan.
Coordinate with, and assist, national and local law enforcement agencies, including concerned offices of the Municipal Government and Barangay Government, on the proper implementation of laws and ordinances, including extending assistance, as auxiliary unit, in the conduct of public safety services.
Be in the front line on the delivery of quick response and services, particularly those related to situations during and in the aftermath of man-made and natural disasters and calamities.
Secure facilities owned or used by the municipality and provide civil security assistance to ensure safety of the officers and employees of the Municipal Government;
Provide security coverage for municipal activities and other sanctioned events;
Conduct training and seminars for members to enhance knowledge and enhance capability on law enforcement and public safety and disaster management in coordination with LDRRM;
Undertake advocacy activities to raise community awareness on specific issues affecting public safety and order as well as engage in specific activities intended to promote public safety and order and disaster management.
Perform such other functions and duties as may be directed by the Municipal Mayor.
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